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Quote siweltj Replybullet Topic: Sum of Array Data
    Posted: 13 Sep 2007 at 10:31am
I have a field that contains data such as described below:
I want to count each of these variables independently.  Such as a count of all "AM1" and a count of all "XW1"
When using the Split function I get "The result of a formula can not be an array."
Can anyone steer me in the right direction on a solution?  Thanks
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Quote BrianBischof Replybullet Posted: 13 Sep 2007 at 1:19pm
Yeah, this a bit of a pain. You have to do the counting manually. Create a formula which splits the string apart and then loop the array and count how many times each element appears. In fact, you're going to have to create a new array that tracks these counts. Put this in a shared variable. After that, you can have a formula that just returns one element from the array. You could also create a function which is passed the element number and it returns the count and text for each element. Anyway, this is going to take a bit of coding and some expertise to pull off. But I don't see any other way.
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Quote sunij Replybullet Posted: 18 Sep 2007 at 2:10am

There are two ways to achieve this....

Lets assume that ur values are under the column name "Data" then
1. U can group the "Data" field and besides u can have a summary field which will count the occurences.
2. Use a cross tab in which the "Data" field should be in the row box and the same can be used in the data box with the summarization as count.
Let me know if this answers ur query
Sunil Jith
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Quote siweltj Replybullet Posted: 18 Sep 2007 at 3:39pm
Thanks for the input.  Both your suggestions work with the exception that some of the data sets have more then one entry, such as WH1,AM1.
Both your suggestions work well for grouping data sets with only one variable, but with two variables both need to be counted seperately.  Essientially I need to pull variables such as these apart and count them indepedently.  And that is where I get stuck.
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