Hello. I have a question about the Group Footers and comparing one to another. (Also, I apologzie if this is in the wrong section. If it is, please let me know where I should post this, and I will move the post to that section.)
My report is a statement that uses GF1 to group by account and then GF2 to group by billing code type (e.g. fees, rent, etc.). I need to compare 1 billing type in GF2 (call it "utility charge") to another billing type in GF2 (call it "utility payment"), and then use conditional formatting to flag as an error depending on the comparison criteria.
COMPARISON CRITERIA: For all situations, format as error (color, bold, etc.)
1. If there is a "utility charge" but no "utility payment"
2. If there is a "utility payment" but no "utility charge"
3. If the sum of "utility charge" and "utility payment" is not equal to 0.
If it does not meet any of the 3 comparison criteria above, then it will just use the default formatting.
My problem, is that I have not been able to figure out how to compare the groups. I know how to compare fields within the detail section, but I cannot seem to figure it out for the groups. Also, I know how to do conditional formatting, so I just need help with the comparison.
Thank you so much in advance for any help any of you can provide!