I was wondering if it was possible use the "Select Expert" for a group. The information in the group is created using a "IF" formula, so when i try to use the select expert, i get the message "the formula cannot be used because it must be evaluated later". Anyone know how i can get around this issue.
basically what i did was created a percent formula:
if Sum ({BAQReportResult.TotalVariance}, {BAQReportResult.PartTran.JobNum}) = 0 then 0 else
(Sum ({BAQReportResult.TotalVariance}, {BAQReportResult.PartTran.JobNum}) /
Sum ({BAQReportResult.ActualTotal}, {BAQReportResult.PartTran.JobNum})) * 100
I place this formula in one of the groups i created. I wanted to only see jobs which have a >10% or < -10%. When i try to use the select expert for this group, i get the error.