While working in another reporting system, we found that setting the 'Keep Together' on the sections wasn't keeping the report's data together as we thought it should...sound familiar?
This is the equivalent of going into the Section Expert and setting the keep together on...and finding your report has the group header on one page the data on another.
We know the solution in CR, you go into the group definition and set the 'Keep Together' there, and now the report looks as you were wanting.
It took until I was working in the other reporting system to 'figure out' the difference of the 2 different 'Keep Together's in CR.
The one in the Section Expert will keep the SECTION together. If you had a Group Header band that was 5 inches tall (for example) and you wanted it all on the same page, the Section Expert's Keep Together will do the trick
If you have a GROUP of report lines that you want kept together, then the 'Keep Together' in the Grouping criteria is the place to set it.
So after all these years, CR actually did know what it was doing...OK, I couldn't divine their intentions and always wondered why the Keep Together in the Section Expert didn't work like I thought it should, but then again, my group headers are only 1 line tall...so they ALWAYS Keep Together (according to CR and the Section Expert)
I just thought that I would pass along this tid bit, as it never made sense to me, and has suddenly become clearer.