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 Topic: Start position less than 1 error Posted: 21 Sep 2017 at 7:19am |
We have 2 databases with the same data in them (one was converted to the other.) Formula 1 works and formula 2 returns the error "Start position less than 1 or not an integer". Any ideas why the second formula does not work??
1. Varchar(100) null If {inventory_master.web_base_sku} < '09000' Then (If trim(replace(Mid({inventory_master.description},instr({inventory_master.description},'Pkg'),20),"Pkg"," ")) startswith "/" then Tonumber(replace(trim(replace(Mid({inventory_master.description},instr({inventory_master.description},'Pkg'),20),"Pkg"," ")),"/"," ")) else Tonumber(trim(replace(Mid({inventory_master.description}, instr({inventory_master.description},'Pkg'),20),"Pkg"," ")))) Else 0
2. Varchar (120) not null If {INVENTOR.ITEM_ID} < '09000' Then (If trim(replace(Mid({INVENTOR.ITEM_DESC},instr({INVENTOR.ITEM_DESC},'Pkg'),20),"Pkg"," ")) startswith "/" then Tonumber(replace(trim(replace(Mid({INVENTOR.ITEM_DESC},instr({INVENTOR.ITEM_DESC},'Pkg'),20),"Pkg"," ")),"/"," ")) else Tonumber(trim(replace(Mid({INVENTOR.ITEM_DESC}, instr({INVENTOR.ITEM_DESC},'Pkg'),20),"Pkg"," ")))) Else 0
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 Posted: 21 Sep 2017 at 7:57am |
I am not sure it is the formula as much as the data it is evaluating on.
does every row in the {INVENTOR.ITEM_DESC} field have "Pkg"?
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 Posted: 21 Sep 2017 at 7:59am |
also note that using < on a string may not be getting you want you think or intend...
'1' is > '09000'
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 Posted: 21 Sep 2017 at 8:06am |
No not every record has PKG but remember the first
formula works WITH THE SAME DATA and returns the data we are looking
for. What could be different about the database or structure that returns the error on the second formula?
Edited by mabrown - 21 Sep 2017 at 8:07am
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 Posted: 21 Sep 2017 at 8:59am |
Is it exactly the same data set?
I didn't break it down entirely but the "Start position less than 1 or not an integer" is likely referring to once of the mid() functions.
I would split each into a different formula and run them to see which one breaks.
Also is each formula set to handle nulls the same way?
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 Posted: 21 Sep 2017 at 10:03am |
I checked the table fields for null and Crystal did not report any null records and the fields are set to not null in the table structure that is not working. (The one that works allows nulls....) This is the section that fails Mid({INVENTOR.ITEM_DESC},instr({INVENTOR.ITEM_DESC},'Pkg'),20)
OK maybe there is another way to get what we want. We want to get the pkg size so we can use it in another formula. Data XYZ Widget Pkg/20 abc widget Pkg/6 TTT widget Pkg/100 KKK widget
Edited by mabrown - 21 Sep 2017 at 10:04am
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 Posted: 21 Sep 2017 at 10:24am |
basically you want the 'number' at the end of the string only when the string also has 'Pkg' or ' Pkg/' otherwise dummy in a zero.
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 Posted: 21 Sep 2017 at 10:32am |
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 Posted: 21 Sep 2017 at 1:29pm |
if instr(
{INVENTOR.ITEM_DESC}, 'Pkg/') > 0 then right(
{INVENTOR.ITEM_DESC})+4) else instr(
{INVENTOR.ITEM_DESC}, 'Pkg') > 0 then right(
{INVENTOR.ITEM_DESC})+3) else '0'
I think this covers the bases correctly (not tested). If you need a numeric value (i.e. for math operations), then convert each string value to a number (i.e., CDbl function).
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 Posted: 22 Sep 2017 at 9:51am |
agreed with kevlray, although I think the instr() is missing the search text for both the THEN parts.
Also other things to consider, you can use InStrRev() instead to look for the strings in from right to left in case 'pkg' is used in another capacity in the string and it mixes up a row. Also your original process was using a trim in case these items might have lead or trailing spaces that would confuse the process.
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