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Quote BrianBischof Replybullet Posted: 07 May 2008 at 10:29am
I don't know why there would be code in the Page_Init() event that doesn't execute. That would be something necessary to debug. I guess your idea of initializing the report in the Page_Load() event would be okay as long as it's only done when the page loads the first time. But now you're putting similar code in two different events and there could be redundancy between them. Things start to get messy. I would think that if the Page_init() isn't executing code as expected, then the first order of business would be to debug this issue and then look at how to get Crystal working with your page.
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Quote robarahz Replybullet Posted: 09 May 2008 at 4:26pm
Sorry, oversight on my part. It works now.
Because I manually added the Page_Init(), I also had to wire it up in the InitializeCompnent() section. Once I did that, I could fire Page_Init(). I moved my code into there, and now my navigation buttons work!
Weird thing though, it seems as though Page_Init() fires more than once. It could be from my user controls though, not sure.
Thanks for the solution!
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Quote xxxxx Replybullet Posted: 12 Sep 2008 at 7:27am
hi guys

I had same problem and moving code to Page_Init() worked it out.

Here's a bit of my code in case you might need it.

Sub Page_Init()
            Dim abm As New abm
            ViewState("DataSet") = abm.returnDataSet("exec pviof.dbo.sp_printSelected '" & Request.QueryString("PVID") & "', '" & Request.QueryString("userName") & "' ")
            Dim r As New CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument
            'charger le rapport
            CrystalReportSource1.Report.FileName = "PVIO.rpt"
            CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = r
            CrystalReportViewer1.Visible = True
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End Sub
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Quote jijogeorge Replybullet Posted: 11 Nov 2008 at 8:23pm

I have created one crystal report, using viewer, in And I have created a set of .rpt files for different reports. In my application I have one combo box to select the report types, and a command button to view the report. Based on the report type, the .rpt file will be loaded and assign to the  viewer.Everything is working fine, except two problems.
1) When I Click on next page, the report will go to 2nd page only, from second page its not loading the third page, the same thing happens for the previous button.
2) I'm using one formula filed, to pass the timezone difference in sends, and need to calculate the datetime, since in DB I am storing the datetime and seconds, in GMT. So when I bind a empty datset to the report, i an getting error like the specified column is unknow.

Or is there any good method to convert the dattime, stored in seconds, from GMT to end user's timezone ?

Waiting for your reply,

Thanks in advance

Jijo George
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Quote robarahz Replybullet Posted: 12 Nov 2008 at 5:27am
For the buttons problem, refer to my post and the post of xxxxx above. If you move your report binding code from page_load to page_init in your aspx page, your buttons should work correctly.
I don't have an answer for your second issue, but I'm wondering if moving your data  retrieval and report binding to page_init() will take care of that problem as well.
Good luck.
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Quote jijogeorge Replybullet Posted: 13 Nov 2008 at 1:35am
Thanks Rob,

The paging problem got solved and now I'm facing another problem.
I'm using the same aspx page to display various reports based on the user selection. the problem is when i generate one report and moved to 5th page, then i generated another report, which has more than 5 pages, the new report will show the 5th page. I have to click on 'show first page' to see the first page of the new report. I set ShowFirstPage() function while formatting the report viewer. the format function is calling fro  page_load event. The all the reports showing first page, but the navigation will not work properly. So can you tell me to resolve this issue?

Thanks in advance,
Jijo George
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Quote robarahz Replybullet Posted: 13 Nov 2008 at 6:14pm
Hi Jijo,
I'm afraid I'm at a loss with this problem that you are having. You might try some of the Microsoft forums as well. Sorry and good luck.
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Quote mwharton Replybullet Posted: 14 Nov 2008 at 11:01am
I am getting the same  issue using VB.NET
  configures crystal reporting
  pass parameters and report name, etc
  ya da ya da ya
  CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = crReportDocument
  Session("myReport") = crReportDocument

Protected Sub Page_Load1(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

   Dim myReport As New ReportDocument

    If Page.IsPostBack Then

          myReport = CType(Session("myReport"), ReportDocument)

          CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = myReport

     End If

End Sub





Michael Wharton, MBA, PMP, MCDBA, MCSD, MCSE+I
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Quote BrianBischof Replybullet Posted: 14 Nov 2008 at 11:09am

Michael, I'm confused by the code you posted. First off, you say you have code in the Page_Init() event (yada yada) but then you show code in the Page_Load() event for handling the report.

You should never put any CR related code in the Page_Load() event. This causes timing problems with loading viewstate data into memory and gives you headaches. Secondly, if you have code in the Page_Init() event, why do you also have code in Page_Load()? Remove this code and put everything in Page_Init().
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Quote ErikRic Replybullet Posted: 17 Dec 2008 at 1:12am
Originally posted by BrianBischof

Two things that you probably need to do. First, put the report loading code in the Page_Init() event. Second, save the report to the Session() colletion and then retrieve it from there when the page is reloaded (Page.IsPostBack). You don't want to recreate the report every time you go to a new page (thus losing track of your current page).

Hi, and thanks for getting me one step closer to a solution. I was wondering on a couple of things, though, since I am not very experienced with ASP.NET/Web development yet.

As I understand yoursolution (pseudo description):

    report = SomeFactoryOrOtherCodeThatGeneratesReports();

    Session["reportId"] = report;

          report = Session["reportId"];

I understand the point of not recreating the report, but won't this happen anyway since the Page_Init() fires every time?

Either way, just moving all the code from Page_Load() to Page_Init() seems to work, but I guess this may backfire in some way?
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