I have a question that may be quite simple, but can not accomplish during past few days. I need to create a report listing Devices, Persons and Shops of Companies I have in my database. To perform this task I have the following 4 tables:
I want to view all companies, then three sections (Devices, Persons, Shops) under it and finally access the values under each fields. The final look might be like this:
But I can only reach such a view when I compose the tables like below, performing operations in C# code.
and then group it as
The problem is that I need to develop that report without using C# codes, just by Crystal report operations. But when I try to do it in Crystal Reports it seems impossible to reach that view. All I get is either lists all possible value combinations of fields under each company or lists only if a company has three of them.
What should I do to perform this task?
a) Use subgroups
b) Use a different table syntax
c) Arrange fields on report in a different order
I will be glad if anyone can make any help on the subject.
PS: I am using the Crystal Reports under Visual Studio. NET 2005
Edited by utkuozan - 12 Mar 2007 at 2:24am