My next question:
My report is an employee listing with some wage information. I pull the data from a SQL database-I created a view that pulls all the data from the various tables.
On my view and subsequently my report I have a field called home_dept that is a 3 digit number (such as 002, 005, 020, etc). The values range from 001 to 099. I am grouping employees on the report by department number. Each employee has a value in the home_dept field.
The report is grouped by department number.
I'd like to create a parameter that allows the user to select a specific department or a range. I've set up the parameter and added it to the report.
When I refresh the report it prompts me for the parameters as I expect it to do. But when it displays the report after the criteria is entered (departments 001 through 020 as an example) the report displays all departments, not the single department or range that was entered for the parameter.
Is there something else I need to do when I want to use the same field I'm grouping on as a parameter?
Any ideas or pointers are greatly appreciated. Thanks!