Regarding Crystal Report XI
By using the Embeddable crystal report control 11.5 I am trying to design the report.
By selecting schema(xml) file i am able to saving the reports.
In the same way i want the reports by using stored procedure.
Please help me in this issue.
i am placing the code to bind stored procedure to the report and the error as below
"This property is currently in read-only state and can't be modified".
CRAXDDRT.Report DynamicReport;
foreach (DatabaseTable DBTable in DynamicReport.Database.Tables)
CPProperties = DBTable.ConnectionProperties;
//assigning the dll to dbtable
DBTable.DllName = "crdb_ado.dll";//error here
catch { }
DBTable.ConnectBufferString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;" + objCon.ConnectionString;//error here