CR 10.0
I'm attempting some conditional formatting on a particular formula. Basically, if the field in the formula is less than 50% margin then I want it to change the font color to red. I made the change by going into "format editor" on the formula itself and adding the formula below under the font color section; it works well except for the fact that it also changes 100% margins. How do I get it to NOT change the color on margins which report "100%"? Crazy Crystal! )
Font formula:
{@QUOTE TOTAL MARGIN} < "50" then Red
Field formula, if it matters:
If ({tblQuotes.TotalNetSell} = 0)
then "N/A"
else ToText (((({tblQuotes.Profit}) / {tblQuotes.TotalNetSell}) * 100), 1) + "%"