I have a formula (crystal syntax) in a report. In this formula, I have to check the mont of a date field but this date sometime contains a NULL value.
If I remove the comment from the line containing "month({UnitValueCurrent.Date})", I receive an error saying that a date value must be provided.
Any ideas on how I can handle this?
My current formula:
if (not {?ShowSRUnitValues}) then //or IsNull({UnitValueCurrent.Date}) then
{@ReturnCDN} > 0 then
{UnitValueCurrent.ClassA} * ( 1 + (
{@ReturnCDN} / 100 * .8) )
// if not ( month({UnitValueCurrent.Date}) = 12 ) then
// {UnitValueCurrent.ClassA}
// else
{UnitValueCurrent.ClassA} * ( 1 - (
{@ReturnCDN} / 100 * .8) )