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Joined: 15 Jun 2007
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Quote kevinday17 Replybullet Topic: Selecting 2 of the Same Fields in one report
    Posted: 18 Jun 2007 at 10:12am
I am hoping someone can help me with an issue that I can't figure out; I'm still pretty new to CR.  I use MS Great Plains with SQL server.  Here's the situation:  It is a standard inventory status report.  I want to pull on hand quantities but they are in one field (called QTYONHND) in a Inventory Master Qty's Table.  We have 8 different "Warehouses" or LOCCODE.  Call them Wherehouse 1, 2, 3, 4, etc...
I need three columns, one is Item #, O/H warehouse 1, O/H warehouse 2.  The other 6 warehouses aren't factored in.
I currently use Select Expert to limit the entire report to Warehouse 1 (LOCCODE = 1).  Each item # comes up with a quantity O/H for location code 1.  If I don't use Select Expert, I get 8 different QTYONHND for each item #.  Basically each Item # is listed 8 times in a row (sorted by item #) and each shows QTYAVAIL for each warehouse, most of which are 0 because we don't use them. 
I can sort of get the report near what I want by selecting "LOCCODE is like 1 or 2).  But I still get two of every item number.  I want to see it all in 1 row.
When I run the report with no select expert, I get for every item #:
Item Number          O/H             WHSE
999999                  1000              #1
999999                  200                #2
999999                  0                    #3
999999                  0                    #4
999999                  0                    #5
999999                  0                    #6
999999                  0                    #7
999999                  0                    #8
I want it to display
Item Number        O/H WH #1     O/H 2 WH #2
999999                   1000                     200     
Is there a select expert at the field level and not the report level?  I want to say O/H wh #1 should be QTY on HAND when LOCNCODE = #1 and  O/H 2 WH #2 should be  QTY on HAND when LOCNCODE = #2.  THis is where I'm stuck.
Any help would be appreciated.  It's probably that I don't know my CR/Basic syntax yet.  I jsut can't quite figure out how to go about it. 
Thanks in advance,
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Quote Kevinma Replybullet Posted: 18 Jul 2007 at 9:14pm
I guess you wish to create a table, vertically there are a list of items, and the columns are the number of items on hand at each of teh warehouses.
The answer is a cross tab table.  Use teh cross tab wizard and Filter out the warehouses you do not want (or build a parameter to allow flexible use of the same report).
Example of table is:
          WH1       WH2
1         123           17
123      24             1
267      12          143
346                     123
Hope this helps
Kevin March
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